Thursday, May 31, 2012

The End of the Year

When I look back over this school year, I have a lot of memories. There were good ones and bad ones too. One of the most memorable would have to be dinner theater. It was so much fun getting to do a bigger part and the story was a wonderful one. I don't miss the hair gel though...
It was also fun getting to make new friends such as Zhiyi and Valissa. A friend of mine encouraged me before school even started to be intentional to get to know people, and i feel like I was and did get to know more people this year. I always struggled with being shy, but I felt like I was less shy this year.
I had fun at Hershey Park last Friday and it is definitely one of the good memories.
It will be sad to have to say goodbye to my friends that are seniors, but I know they are looking forward to what the future has to bring. 
I am curious as to what next year will bring for me and the rest of the student body.

Reflections on writing

As I look back over my writing, I can see a change. I remember looking back at my stories I wrote for fourth grade english and there is definately a difference. I also remember writing a story for my cousin based on a game he made up and I think I have learned how to write more efficiently and with better grammer. I also think I have imporved with my poetry. It was neat to learn about different types of poetry such as the triolets (they were my favorite). 
I have to say, I think creative writing is very beneficial and it has helped me know better ways to write and gather my thoughts before writing. I enjoyed the different writing activities when you were just given some words and then had to write something with them. 
It was a good year. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pre-thoughts to watching The Woman in Black

So...I've decided to watch the Woman in Black. Yes, this may be a bad idea and there is a strong possibility that I will get nightmares. I do think that it is fun to scare yourself which is why I want to watch it.
My friends Abigail and Bekah saw it and said that it was good and scary.  I plan on starting it this evening and then re-watching it on the way to my cousin's wedding on Saturday.
I do not believe in ghosts, but there are some that do. I do believe that there is a spiritual world, which the Bible hints at. 
I do know some of the things that happen, thanks to my friends, and I did watch the beginning and ending scenes. The fact that the Woman in Black, the ghost of the story, targets children is just creepy. Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movies, plays the main character Arthur Kipps. From what I saw, he does  an excellent job and I am excited to see how he acts throughout the rest of the film.
So, yeah. Scary movie here I come....

The Woman In Black movie cover

Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps

Notice the creepy thing to the right of Dan

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A place that has changed for me is my old school. I went back a few times, and it just felt different. I had attended there from Kindergarten to the middle of sixth grade. That place holds many memories for me. From playing on the play ground after school every day with my friend Brandon Orner to the many field trip and programs i was require to participate it. I also found that my class mates seemed different too. They seemed distant if that is correct term to use. I will always remember the times I spent there, but I am very glad to be where I am now. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

End of the Spear Movie Review

In Church History, we just watched the movie End of the Spear which is about Nate Saint and the other missionaries who were killed on Palm Beach while trying to reach the Auca (now called Waodoni) people.
There are some disappointing things about the movie first off. One, Chad Allen [who played both Steve and Nate], the actor who plays Nate/Steve Saint(adult) is openly gay . Many Christians spoke out about this but the real Steve Saint, Nate's son who was involved with the making of the movie, said that Chad had the best audition and in the end that no one else could have portrayed his father better. I have to agree that Chad did very well with the role.
Second, at the end of the movie we see Steve at the site of the attack with Mincaye, the one who speared his father. Mincaye says to Steve to kill him and Steve nearly does. This never happened in real life and they just added it in. 
The movie focus a lot on Mincaye and his people. The actors speak Waodani and it is very cool to hear those that portray the Woadani Indians actually speaking the language.
Another negative element that is to be expected is the natives and their way of dress. There is also the attack scene which is violent due to the spearings of the 5 missionaries. 
I have seen the movie twice before we watched it in church history and I do like the movie a lot. The story of the bravery of the missionaries is inspiring. The one quote that stood out to me was when little Steve saint asks his dad, Nate, if they will use their guns if the Waodani attack. Nate says no and "We cannot shoot the Waodani because they aren't ready for heaven. We are ready for heaven." 

End of the Spear movie cover 

Chad Allen as Nate Saint 
Chad Allen as Steve Saint

Mincaye attacks Nate Saint (Chad Allen) in the movie

The Real Nate Saint

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Camp Susque Retreat 2012

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Hazelton Retreat that I went to last year. It is a Reformed Baptist retreat for Sr. High and it is such a fun time.The fellowship is truly wonderful.  Our speaker this year was Jeremy Mendenhall and he spoke the matters of God's kingdom. I learned a lot and it was such a blessing to hear him speak from God's word. Interestingly enough, Pastor Mendenhall and his wife were at my baptism and he knows my father.
One of my favorite things at the retreat was the night game. It was called underground church and we had to find the underground/secret church and not get caught by the counselors who were the police. Did i mention the game is played in complete darkness the counselors have flashlights and are trying to catch us. Once you got to the church you got a bible and had to wait for 14 people to get there so that you could go out and give one to the counselors. All in all it was fun game. I wore black shirts and hat so as not to get caught. I manged  to skid on stones and scrap my side and elbows. It was great.
It was definately sad for me to leave but and I am super stoked about next year.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There Will Be a Day by Jeremy Camp


I try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that tries to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth
That we will enter in this rest with wonders anew

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

I know the journey seems so long
You feel you?re walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you?ve walked out all alone

Troubled soul don?t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that?s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life?s sting

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
[From: ]
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

I can?t wait until that day where the very one
I?ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I?ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery
O, this is why, this is why I sing

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face

There will be a day he will wipe away the tears
He will wipe away the tears
He will wipe away the tears
There will be a day

This song has such a great message and had
been a comfort to me when I have listened to it. 
It speaks of a day when we will no longer hurt, 
there, will be no more tears or sin. It is heaven. 
God will wipe the tears from our eye and we will 
be with him forever! I can't wait until that day comes.
Praise be to God!  

Showing Cows

This summer I am showing cows for the first time with my friend Becky Benedict and her family. They registered a calf under my name too!!! I didn't buy her but, it's kinda like a lease thing. So in a sense..I have my own calf. My calf's name is Winipeg and she is adorable. She's afraid of everything right now and gets startled easily. But with lots of work and love, she's get better.
I will be showing in two fairs right now: Shippensburg Fair and Franklin County Fair. There is also a fair in Harrisburg in October, but I am not sure if I will show there. Since Winipeg is under my name, I can show her in the Junior class and Open class. Having her under my name just means that I can participate in more events. I am also now a member of the Holstein Association.
So far I have learned how to clip cows. I actually learned  during  Friday Dutchfest set up and they said I did a good job for my first time. Then this past saturday [May 12] I clipped Winipeg with Becky at her house. We also clipped Becky's show calf whose name is Catlin.
I  have to go out soon and start leading Winipeg and practice for shows. It will be fun and I am thankful for the opportunity.

Shaving Winipeg     


Thursday, May 10, 2012

One of my rituals

Every night before I go to bed I simply must do things in a certain order or else it will bother me. Weird, I know, but it is necessary. First, I have to used the restroom before I brush my teeth or wash my hands. Second, I get my toothbrush, put toothpaste on it and then commence with the brushing. After I brush my teeth, then I wash my hands thoroughly. Then I go to my room. put my pillows on the floor at the end of my bed and then arrange my stuffed animals in a particular order. I do this every night and feel a little OCD....but it's what I am accustom to doing.  Then I read out of the Bible where I am reading and then read from my Soul Surfer Devotional. That is one of my daily rituals.

War Horse Movie Review

This past Saturday I watched the movie War Horse with my mom and I thought I would do a review about it.
Overall, I think the movie War Horse was very well done and historically accurate. The movie really should pull at your emotions and I think they were very effective at doing that. The movie is about a horse who is taken to be used in WWI for the British soldiers. We see Joey passed from the British to the Germans and then back to his original owner who trained him and didn't want his father to see Joey. All of the people Joey gets passed to die except for his original owner whose name is Albert.
The trench warfare was well filled. 
The only violence in the film is war violence( soldiers getting gassed, shot, ETC) and some cruelty to the horses. Joey at one point gets trapped in barbed wire and struggles to get free. Two young Germans are shot for deserting ( You hear the gun shot and then see them on the ground). There is some language in the movie also.
All in all I really enjoyed the film and would watch it again.


I just watched Braveheart with my mom this week. I had been wanting to see it for awhile and on Monday I got it out from the library. The one reason i wanted to watch was that it's about William Wallace, the hero of Scotland. Mel Gibson, who directed the Passion of the Christ, stars as Wallace and he did a good job. Basically, I was interested in the historical side of it. William Wallace is a very historical figure in Scotland. He is the subject of the movie Braveheart. After many great victories against the English, he was arrested and executed (hung, drawn and quartered and then beheaded). Today he is viewed as a hero to the Scottish people and a monument was erected to him. 
the one thing i didn't like about it was all the fighting in the movie and the execution scene wasn't gory but it still wasn't fun. Wallace was willing to die for freedom that the Scots wanted and that is very brave.

Mel Gibson as William Wallace

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Unlike some people, I like it when it rains. Now if i had somewhere to go that was outdoors, it'd be a different story. I think I don't mind cloudy weather or rain because it reminds me of Ireland and England. I also like to hear the rain beating against the window when it's raining outside. I also like the smell of rain when you walk outside before the rain even begins. We also need rain to water the earth and help the plants grow and stay green. God provides rain so that that can happen. We also need rain so that farmers' crops can grow.
Yes, so I really like the rain and overcast days. I really do.

Carry Me

I wandered again from you 
I have fallen off the path 
I  feel far from new 

I feel so lost and alone 
The cross seems so far off 
Yet, I long to draw near your throne 

Carry me in you arms, Father 
For I am weary and heavily burdened 
I can't go on any longer 

Give me hope, for I have none 
Give me strength for I need it dearly 
Your love is never undone. 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I want to learn how to do

Something I want to learn how to do is surfing. Ever since I watched Soul Surfer and grew to like it, I have wanted to attempt to surf. I hear though that it's not the easiest thing in the world, but yet it looks so easy. I think it's just such a epic sport. The way that a surfer is able to ride the wave is to me, simply majestic. I really would like to learn how to surf or at least try to surf at some point in my lifetime. Unfortunately, the beach I go to each August doesn't have any good waves or surfing spots. So I will not be surfing there any time soon. I hope that someday I will at least be able to give surfing a try. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Childhood in a trunk

1. Bo. Bo.
 I wouldn't dream of put it in the trunk, but a special item from my childhood is my FAVORITE stuffed rabbit,   named Bo. Bo. I got him when I was one year old and sleep with him every night. Bo went on almost every trip with me and I used to drag him around the house when I was younger. Bo is very worn out now but I intend to keep him forever.

2. The Disney movie Pocahontas
 Pocahontas was my all time favorite movie when I was little. I used to watch it all the time! We were constantly checking it out of the local library. It also got to the point where I was Pocahontas for Halloween one year. John Smith was always my favorite character and Meeko the raccoon always made me laugh. This movie definitely was part of my childhood.

3. Recorded Stories i listened to at night
 A lady that was at our old church, whose name is Mrs. Leone, read and recorded many different children stories onto a cassette for me when I was little. I listened to that tape until it wouldn't work anymore. Some of the stories were Paul Reveres' Ride, Make way for Ducklings, Goodnight Moon, and many others. Mrs. Leone had a very soothing voice, perfect for reading children books. I can still remember some of the stories that she read on that tape. That is definitely a strong childhood memory for me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Wonderings of a Disciple

It had been a long couple of days. The we could hardly believe what had just happened. Our beloved master and friend, Jesus, has been put on trial and crucified. John himself had been there when Jesus died and when they brought his body down from the cross. What about all the glorious things He'd promised us that would happen. What about his claim that he would rise form the dead? Had it all been in vain?
As these thoughts were racing through the disciples' minds, Jesus suddenly appeared and stood before them. All of is were terrified and thought that he was a ghost. Jesus showed us where the nail pierced his hands and were the spear went into his side. When some of us still were in doubt he ate a piece of fish in our presence and then we believed. We fell at his feet and I felt like my heart would burst with happiness. He was alive!!! My Savior lives, and so shall I! Death is defeated.
Jesus stayed with us longer and told us to go into the world and teach in his name,  baptizing those who believed. He also promised that he would be with us always, even to the very end of the age. He also instructed that we wait in Jerusalem until he sent us the Holy Spririt.
After Jesus said this, He was taken up into heaven and we just stood there, staring up into heaven. The two men clothed in white stood before us and said that He would return in the same way he had left us.  What a promise. He will return someday! We may not know the day or hour, but He SHALL return.
                        ~ James son of Alphaeus

He Is Risen!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Dutchfest will be arriving shortly just like it does every year. Ever since I came to Shalom I have greatly enjoyed it. In fact, I can remember selling drinks in sixth grade when we had Miss Strite. I really do think that Dutchfest is really neat tradition that Shalom has and does it each year.
One thing that I really enjoy at Dutchfest is the book room. I've had some really good finds in the past years. Last year I found a little book called: A Biblical Guide to the Passion of the Christ. I love being able to get books for really great cheap prices. My dad likes to look around in the book place too.
I also looooovvvveee the strawberry pie that they make. It is like eating heaven. I always get a piece each year and it is so yummy. It is also fun to see the tents being put up and thinking, "Is Dutchfest here already???"

At the cows at Dutchfest. I love cows :)

Monday, April 16, 2012


A month that has significance to me is August because that is when we go to my uncle's beach house in Rehoboth , Delaware. Most of my dad's side comes down and we all spend a week together. The house is right on the Delaware Bay and it is really fun to take the Jet Skis out for a spin. This past year I got to drive one for the first time and had a blast! I even took my cousin Laura out another time during the week. There is a swimming pool there and we can swim whenever we want to, which is nice. I also see it as a time to get to know my family members better. In fact, this year I got to play Wii with my older cousin Phil and it was great to just talk with him and get to be closer to him. He's a Harry Potter fan too. ;)  I'm not really a beach person though, so often I just chill out at the house.
That is why August is significant to me.

All for Love

All for love is why he chose to die
"It is finished!" was his cry

He embraced the cross for and for me
How can it be? How can it be? 

Jesus paid what we cannot 
What is our lot? 

He made all things new 
As new as the morning dew 

He hung on the tree 

French Fries

When I eat french fries, it makes me think of good, fun, lovely times. Like when I've gone to the Greenvillage Diner with my mentor or with my dad. Greenvillage Diner has the best fries in the world, next to Wendy's. If I had a choice though, I would defiantly pick the diner fries in a split second. When I eat french fries I also think about getting them after a long Dinner theater practice during which I had no dinner. My dad stopped on the way home and got me McDonald's food. When you go to Greenvillage Diner, they give you what seems like a small mountain of fries.
I have to say, french fries are one of my favorite foods. No doubt about it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This has to be one of my favorite books in the series. It follows Harry and his friends' second year at Hogwarts. I know some people font like Harry Potter, but i like it for the humor and adventure in it. Not to mention the yummy candy that is described in it...
IN this book, a huge snake-like creature is released into the school by Tom Riddle (who's actually Voldemort the bad guy). Harry also discovers that he can speak Parsltounge which is snake language. The snake goes around and stuns people if they look it in the eye. Harry and his friends must go into the mysterious Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ron's sister Ginny and to defeat the evil snake. They manage to do that and save the day once more. Great read if you ask me, but only if you like stuff like that.

The Passion of the Christ

Despite some of the graphic content of the movie, I see The Passion of Christ as a good reminder of what Jesus did for us on the cross. There are some Roman Catholic things influences in it, but aside from that, I think it is one of my favorite movies. It does have some intense and violent scenes, so I wouldn't suggest it for younger children.
In the movie Christ is played by Jim Caviezel and he did a superb job in this movie. He is a devout Roman Catholic, but I wonder if he may truly be a Christian. I hope so. He suffered some injuries while working on the Passion of the Christ. He was struck by lightning, accidentally scourged, and got sick from the gas heaters they used to keep him warm when he was on the cross. Sometimes he even had to sleep with all the makeup on if they ended up not shooting In the end, he said it was a blessing to be able to portray our Lord's son.
I saw a behind the scenes on the movie and it was neat to see how they did some of the effects in the movie. They used special effects in the whipping scene which is how they made it look like he really was being flogged. They also used some special effects for when you see the executioner nailing the nail into Jesus' hand. I did notice that the nail was placed incorrectly, but oh well.
All in all, the Passion is one of my favorite movies and I have seen it more then once. I watch it because it reminds me of what Christ did and the depth of it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nick Vujicic

Another one of my heroes is Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms or legs. They didn't know he didn't have any limbs because it didn't show up on the ultrasounds. At first his parents didn't want to see him or hold him. No one brought his mom flowers when he was born. It was caused by tetra-amelia syndrome.
It was very hard for Nick growing up and kids teased him for the way he looked or because he was different. When he was 10 years old, he tried to drown himself, but his love for his parents stopped him.
Today Nick is very independent and is a Christian. He goes all around the world and speaks to people and encourages them. God has used Nick in BIG ways for Him and His kingdom.
Nick likes to swim, which he learned to do as a kid and he also got married on 12 February 2012! He stared in the short film The Butterfly Circus and even met and talked with Bethany Hamilton.
God can use anyone to share His word and His love.

Nick Vujicic

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Storm

The sea breeze is blowing
As the waves toss and roll
The storm clouds are swelling

The sky quickly darkens
As the thunder begins to rumble
To me! To me! The storm beckons...

Lightning cracks above my head
And the wind picks up
To me! To me! The storms has said.

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
This is one of my favorite hymns. The lyrics are such
a comfort. The guy that wrote this died shortly after
completeting it. The last verse is one of joy and hope.

This version is by the group Indelible Grace.

Come by the hills by Celtic Thunder

 Buachaill ón Eirne mé's bhréagfainn féin cailín deas óg 
 Né iarfainn bó spré léithe tá mé saibhir go leor
 'S liom Corcaigh a mhéid e , dhá thaobh a ghleanna's Tír Eoghain 
'S mur n-athraí mé béasaí 's mé n' t-oibhr ar Chontae Mhaigh Eo

Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free.  
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the loughs meet the sea,  
 Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun; 
 And the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
Come by the hills to the land where life is a song.  

And stand where the birds fill the air with their joy all day long, 
Where the trees sway in time and even the wind sings in tune; 
And, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
Come by the hills to the land where legend remains.  

The stories of old, fill the heart and may yet come again,  
Where the past has been lost and the future is still to be won;
And, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.

This is a song that Celtic Thunder sings. I really like the lyrics and 
how it talks about Ireland and not worrying about tomorrow.
The first verse is in Irish!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So long, Dinner Theater

Dinner Theater has come to an end. I'd say it's kind of a bittersweet thing. I'm kind of glad its over, but I will miss the atmosphere that surrounds dinner theater. It was a tiring, taxing, and exhausting week, but it was totally worth it in the end. I have new memories to look back and lessons learned.
Some things that happened did not meet up to my expectations, but I won't go in depth on those things.
I really enjoyed the part I played and Archibald Craven was my favorite role I have ever done. It was the first big role I'd ever be put in and it was an honor. I did my best because I was doing it for God and His glory.
I am looking forward to next year and watch it holds for our drama troupe.

Hot Rollers for birdwatchers

Birdwatchers, the reason you should buy these hot rollers is that they will help you attract birds. All you have to do is put them in your hair before you go early morning bird watching. Then stand out in the open, now that your hair looks slightly like a nest, and wait for the birds to land in it. Though we do not suggest doing this when there is a huge flock of birds...we've had poor results. If you choose to get the hot rolls, you will not be disappointed.

A Simple Flower

A simple flower grows
As we sleep the night away
Quiet in our slumber we lay
A simple flower grows 
In the sunlight it glows 
I know not what to say 
A simple flower grows 
As we sleep the night away


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Behold Him!

There is a day that is yet to come
When all evil will be undone

It is the day of Jesus' second coming
The day for which I am yearning

The day Christ will take believers home
The soul and the bone

We shall behold him
Life will no longer be dark and dim

All shall bow down to Jesus the King
The trumpet call shall loudly ring

Christians will meet Him in the air
All of them who are everywhere

We shall behold him then
When this world comes to an end

Son, Go Get My Children!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Two more Triolets

A Rose                                                   
A lovely rose is growing
In a shaft of pale light
Without a soul knowing
A lovely rose is growing
Delicate petals are forming
In the coolness of the night
A lovely rose is growing
In a shaft of pale light

Gaze at the Sea
I gaze at the Sea
With intense longing
That you be here with me
I gaze at the Sea
Wondering where you could be
As the breeze is blowing
I gaze at the Sea
With intense longing

The Phantom of the Opera(stage production) Review

One of my favorite musicals has to be the phantom of the opera. I just watched it on Saturday evening on the PBS station. It was the 25th anniversary concert of the show! It was very enjoyable, but I did discover that opera can be obnoxious sometimes depending on the singer. The Phantom was played by Ramin Karimloo who also starred in Les Miserables. He is an excellent singer.
I had never seen a stage production of the Phantom of the opera and had only seen the movie which I'd done a previous blog about. There are definitely some differences between and movie and a stage production. The actors/performers got into character and did a fantastic job. Ramin (the Phantom) did an excellent job portraying the emotions the Phantom would have felt (anger with Raoul, desperation, loneliness, and of course...suspense).
I still have to say that I think I like the movie more.

Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom of the Opera

Triolet Poem(assigned)

My Homeland
I long to see my homeland
For I have been gone too long
On green hills I want to stand
In lovely green Ireland
For I long to see my homeland
To be away seems oh so wrong
I long to see my homeland
For I have been gone too long

The Irish countryside

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Poor Charles Dickens
Had very slim pickins
He wrote and he wrote
and yet had no money for a coat

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring is Soon to Come

The rain drops drip
Lazily down my window
Having no where else to go

The clouds are dark and gloomy
Yet it doesn't dampen my mood
Or give me an cloudy attitude

I love to see the rain fall
And plants begin to grow
Each flower a color of the rainbow

For Spring is soon to come
And things will start anew
As fresh as the morning dew

Yorkshire, England in Spring

Intensity on the brain....

With Dinner Theater fast approaching, there is also the workload. I try to work ahead on homework the week before so that when I'm doing a show, I don't have to be thinking, "Oh, I have to do that tonight..." Normally during the beginning of the week of our shows, we pull some long hours. But they are fun and I enjoy finally getting to be on the stage and doing the backstage work. Tonight I worked  really hard and got a lot of stuff done that's due next week.
It may be intense now, but I would rather have it off my back then have it hanging over my head during the shows. It will pay off in the just gets overwhelming at the moment.
The shows are next week and I am so excited. We've put a lot into this show and I am super excited to see it all coming together slowly but surely. I really feel like this is going to be a great show. I hope it will be.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The Sun rises over an island
Shining light on the crashing waves
I would much rather be there then on land
Surfing is how I spend my days

The rush of riding the sea
As I turn my board up and down
Riding the waves is where I'll be
You won't find me in town

And then the day will end
And I set my board aside for a day
But tomorrow, new waves will descend
Surfing in my life,what more is there to say?


Girl in the storm

Yes, I am all wet. Hence the puddle gathering around my feet. I got drenched in the storm that is raging outside our manor house. I live here in Yorkshire, England with my papa, momma and three older brothers. It rains quite frequently and I happened to get caught in it tonight. I was looking of the window of the library and thought I saw a little girl standing out in the rain. She looked to be five or six years old and was wearing a white party dress from 1919. I thought it odd that a little girl was out in the rain alone, so I decided to go and investigate. After pulling on my boots, hat and coat, I ventured out. I saw the girl standing a ways off and called, "Hello?" She turned and made her way off into the night as the thunder clashed overhead and the lightning flashed. The darkness swallowed her up and it appeared as though she had...vanished. Then I heard my oldest brother, Anton, call out to me, "Rosie, what in the blazes are you doing out there?"
I ran back inside and told him, "I saw a wee girl out there!"
"Oh sure you did," he said skeptically, taking my hat and coat from me. "Forget it, Rosie."
So that is how I got drenched in the storm.
And no one believes me.
But as I climbed the grand staircase, I know I saw her again, a gleam of white against  the darkness. 

Highclere Castle in Yorkshire, England

Dreams of Light

What a day its been
What a time I've had
Now I want to sleep in a nightmare free zone

Nightmares flee away
Dreams of light come on it
Nightmare stay away dreams of light are here to stay

The Stars are shining
The moon shows it face
Now I can sleep in dreams of light

As I close my eyes
My Dreams fill with light
Now I can sleep in a nightmare free land

(These are lyrics to one of the songs I wrote on my guitar)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the Garden

I long to see you again
It seems so long
Where have you been

I wish you were here with me
To see the flowers bloom
In the Garden is where we should be

I learned to smile when I met you
You made me laugh with joy
Now what am I to do?

Return to me soon
My dear sweet darling
I will look for you at noon

I will wait as long as I must
But we only shall meet in eternity
For all men return to dust

                          ~ Archibald Craven  to Lilias his deceased wife

It's Almost Here!

Dinner Theater is soon approaching! We have about 3 or so weeks until showtime. This when things get stressed and intense. The main thing for me is getting work done ahead for when we have all day practices during the week of the shows.
In the show I play Archibald Craven who is the father of Colin Craven. My character locked up the garden years ago after his beloved wife, Lilias Craven, died falling off a swing. Archibald has been languishing for years and not just cause his wife died, he also has a hunchback. I am really excited about this part and even though I am in three scenes, I can still work backstage!
Overall, I think things will come together as it gets closer. So, come on out and see it! It's a story of love, family, and coming alive from grief. It is...The Secret Garden.


The Cat from Sat
I once met a cat from 
the land of Sat
Every day he
Chose a new hat
But whenever he
owner wanted to sell
That c at who was from
the land of Sat

The Man from Rome
I once met a man from
Everyday he
looked for a new home
But where ever he went
he always seemed bent
That man who was from

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Piper

Have you ever listened to the bagpipes play?
Echoing over the hills
At the start of a new day

To hear the notes dip and trill
As the pipe plays his song
It gives my soul a thrill

Oh, melodies capture my heart
The music stirs in my mind
Yet with my homeland I will never part

So piper play your tune
Make it echo and ring
I will see you at high noon

Anthony Byrne from Celtic Woman

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Oh, magjestic green hills
I long to walk across you once more
And hear the bagpipe music forever more

The call of my homeland echos
Biding me to come back
And quickness I dont lack

To see the sea again!
Pounding against the sandy shore
I will dwell there forever more!

My life in metaphorical terms

My life is like...

1. finding an extra french fry in the bottom of the Wendy's bag

2. A story

3. A snuggly kitten when i feel safe

4. The rolling green hills of Ireland

5. the resounding sound of bagpipes when i wish to be heard

Dreams of Light

What a day its been
What a time I've had
Now I want to sleep in a nightmare free zone

Nightmares flee away
Dreams of light come on it
Nightmare stay away dreams of light are here to stay

The Stars are shining
The moon shows it face
Now I can sleep in dreams of light

As I close my eyes
My Dreams fill with light
Now I can sleep in a nightmare free land

(These are lyrics to one of the songs I wrote on my guitar)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brother and Sister

The young mortician knelt in the flower bed outside the funeral home where he worked, planting flowers in the empty space. 25 year old Shaun had just gotten his degree and was starting his new job at his uncle's funeral home.
As he was working, a care dove by that made his jaw drop. It was what his father would describe as a muscle car and Shaun had to agree with his dad. He placed his shovel on the ground and walked over to the curb where the car had stopped. "Hello?" Shaun said. "Can I help you?"
The car window rolled down and he yelped in frustration. "Hey, Shaun!" his little sister, whose name was Bella, said.
"Bella?" Shaun gasped.
"The car's Dad's," Bella said."He asked me to return your wallet."
He took the wallet from his sister's hand. It had been almost a whole two years since he had seen her. "Thanks, Bella," Shaun said. "Why don't you come help me plant some flowers."
Bella turned off the car and said, "Alright."
So brother and sister knelt side by side in the dirt, planting flowers and finally getting to talk together once more.

Goodbye Buffy

It had come. Buffy the cocker spaniel had to go. It wasn't that my family didn't love him and he was a great dog. The reason he had to go was because our family's moving because my dad's in the Army. He's being stationed in England and they thought it best if Buffy stayed here. I don't see why we couldn't have taken him to England with us. My older brother, Tom, agrees that Buffy should come with us. Mom's writing up an AD for the paper right now and they're only selling him for $25!!!! My dog is PRICELESS!
Well, I guess there's nothing else I can do. Buffy, thanks for being such a wonderful dog.


The darkness of misery was my cloak
It was such a heavy thing

I huddled beneath it
Letting my sorrow weigh me down

The light seemed far off
The moonless night seemed strong

I needed an escape
And God granted me aid

He gave me the strength I needed
He flooded me with happiness

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rapunzo by the creative writing class

Once upon a time, Rapunzo lived in a towere off the coast of Spain. His step-dad kept Rapunzo in the tower because he thoght his son was a freak.
You see, Rapunzo had super long hair.
100 yards worth of hair.
One day a young maiden, who admired Rapunzo's long hair, decided she wanted his hair because she had no hair. Her plan was to kidnap Rapunzo and shave his head after she knocked him out. It was perfect and she sent him a message.
Rapunzo agreed . "Take me away from my evil stepfather and as payment you can have my hair."
She came on a dark and cloudless night, carrying a candle. As Rapunzo let down his hair, it was caught in the flame of the candle. Because of how greasy the hair was, it incinerated and the only happy person was the stepfather because his son had no hair.

The End

In the Box

Within the box, lies the secret the world has longed to know. Does it hold treasure? No. In fact it is some more valuable then treasure.
Yes, in the box sleeps the magical kitten name Socks. He has been in there controlling the mass production of cat treats. Many have tried in vain to stop him, only to fail again and again. Whenever someone opens the box to look in, Socks turns to them with a face who could melt the hardest of hearts.
The kitten will not abandon the box and whenever someone tries to get him out of it, he gnaws on their hand. I am the guardian and the secret must never be revealed...ever...

Locked Out

One time I got locked out of my house when no one else was at home. I closed our door and forgot that it was locked behind me. I went to get back in and I discovered that I was locked out. I didn't really know what to do because I couldnt find the key. Later I found out that my sister had buried it for some weird reason. Thankfully our neighbors, I was friends with their daughters, we home and I went down to them and got to hang out with Alley and Ashlynn. We made bracelets. Then my mom came home and I was able to get into the house.
Another time, I purposely locked my own bedroom door when we had an open house because I didn't want kids getting into my room. I regret that now. I guess I just didn't want them in there.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I still don't understand
Why you changed so much

You were my hero
I looked up to you

Then that summer
I heard the news

I struggled with it
I did not understand why

God knows your heart
He knows your thoughts

He knows in the end
If  you'll return to Him

My Dad

He gets up to preach 
Each and every Sunday 
Through the strength of God 

Outside the pulpit
He loves to fish 
My dad is loving and caring

He has a heart for God 
And strives to live for Him
Day after Day 

I love my dad 
I look up to him
He is my hero

The Farm Show Rodeo

Last Saturday was the final day of the farm show and I got to go to the Rodeo with my friend Gabby Kiefman and her mom and dad. It was so so fun! When we got there we explored some of the stands that were still open. Since it was the last day of the show, some people were packing things up. We saw the butter sculpture and it was a Country Fair theme. Whenever I look at the butter sculpture, it makes my guts queasy. The rodeo was AMAZING and I had a blast. My favorite even was bull-riding, which I had seen on the television before, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some of the other events were calf roping, calf wrestling, barrel riding, and bucking bronchos. I will always remember the rodeo.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heavenly Home

There is a place where Christians go
It is a place of which we know

There is where our King sits in His glory
This is no child's story

There none shall shed a tear
Jesus will always be near

There are streets made of gold
Just as we have been told

We will enter through pearly gates
Where the King of Glory waits

There will be no more earthly night
For God is the source of light

We will dwell with him there forever
And we will never be along...ever

Jesus will be with with us night and day
He will never go away

What place am I speak of?
Where God dwells above?

I am speaking of no place other then heaven.

Pilgrim Way

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling on my way
Going on the road before me each and every day

I am going towards the City
I will go through the River's foam
And reach the shore of my heavenly home

Even though the way is hard
I travel on in faith
I will travel on until I am safe

I know the way will be tough
But my King will lead me on
Into that heavenly dawn

I have met many trials
Those who tried to turn me away
To keep my mind off that day

I always remembered His promise
I turned my back on evil
I stayed away from upheaval

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling day after day
Just going along the Pilgrim's way

Pounding Heart

My Heart is pounding in my chest
The nightmare is still fresh in my head
I lift up a humble prayer

Sweat breaks out on my brow
The Silence seems to echo 
My blankets don't hide me from it

I take a deep shaky breath
I know that God has me in his hand
I need not fear what is in my mind

The Nightmare resurfaces again
It gnaws at my soul and mind
I just want to sleep in peace

Come, Morning, quick!
Take away the dark of nightmares
Shine light through my blinds

I long to hear the birds sing
Not the nightmare's howl

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What We Learn

What I have learned

1. Though others may leave me...God is always with me

2. If God sees fit, he will bring people into our lives for a time so we can learn what he wants us to from them  and if he sees fit, he may take them out of our lives

3. Exceeding 2 cans of Mountain Dew will definitely keep you up.

4. Faith strengthens through trials

5. Younger siblings act like their older only cause their taller

What other people have learned 

1. God is trustworthy 

2. When you get to travel to other countries can be enriching and it makes a difference in your whole life

3. I liked school a lot more then I thought at first

4. Relationships with people are one of the most important things in our lives

5.  That daily reliance upon him is a must. That knowing God, goes beyond thinking there's a higher power,  but a personal God who wants a relationship with me. I've learned that I can't just go to God when I need him, but I must spend time with Him daily, to grow and to walk and be used by Him.

Kids Club

I have the opportunity to work with our elementary youth group at church. I am one of the leaders and serve under Miss Deb Jones. It so heart lifting to go in and see the kids and their enthusiasm for the lesson, the games and the time spent together. The group meets on the first Friday of every month and we are studying the parables of Jesus with them.
As a leader my responsibility is to choose the songs we sing and make a review game from the past lessons we've had. Deb leads the lesson and Bethany Clark does the games.
I must admit the first time my dad asked me to help out, I really didn't want to do it. After I did go, I realized how much I loved working with the kids and just being with them. They are a great group and it is exciting to see them grow.
This year, we have the kids writing to some orphans in the Philippians and for Christmas, we put together little goodie bags with our kids to send to them. It's grand to see the excitement the kids had when putting these bags together.

I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to be a leader for Kids Club and make an impact in these kids' lives.  

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Over Christmas Break my momma and I went to see the newest Sherlock Holmes film at the Chambersburg Mall. We'd borrowed my friends' copy of the first on and we really enjoyed it. Sherlock is played by the actor Robert Downy Jr. and that actor is perfect for the role. He brings a lot of humor the role and you can't imagine any other actor who is more perfect for it. I love talking in a British accent and watching Sherlock Holmes makes me want to do it. While I was waiting for Momma to come out from the restroom, it began to snow...but not enough to lay...bummer.
Going to see movies is a fun thing that my mom and I do together. We always get a Pretzel to share from Pretzel Plus and I get a Cherry Slushie. Those pretzels are the best ever!! We then go window shopping and have fun smelling the lotion and soaps in Bath and Body Works. We'll got to Sears also and just look around at things.
I love my mommy and treasure the time I get to spend with her.