Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reflections on writing

As I look back over my writing, I can see a change. I remember looking back at my stories I wrote for fourth grade english and there is definately a difference. I also remember writing a story for my cousin based on a game he made up and I think I have learned how to write more efficiently and with better grammer. I also think I have imporved with my poetry. It was neat to learn about different types of poetry such as the triolets (they were my favorite). 
I have to say, I think creative writing is very beneficial and it has helped me know better ways to write and gather my thoughts before writing. I enjoyed the different writing activities when you were just given some words and then had to write something with them. 
It was a good year. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the class and felt as though you've grown from it. I enjoy teaching it and watching writers develop! Keep writing.
