Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Passion of the Christ

Despite some of the graphic content of the movie, I see The Passion of Christ as a good reminder of what Jesus did for us on the cross. There are some Roman Catholic things influences in it, but aside from that, I think it is one of my favorite movies. It does have some intense and violent scenes, so I wouldn't suggest it for younger children.
In the movie Christ is played by Jim Caviezel and he did a superb job in this movie. He is a devout Roman Catholic, but I wonder if he may truly be a Christian. I hope so. He suffered some injuries while working on the Passion of the Christ. He was struck by lightning, accidentally scourged, and got sick from the gas heaters they used to keep him warm when he was on the cross. Sometimes he even had to sleep with all the makeup on if they ended up not shooting In the end, he said it was a blessing to be able to portray our Lord's son.
I saw a behind the scenes on the movie and it was neat to see how they did some of the effects in the movie. They used special effects in the whipping scene which is how they made it look like he really was being flogged. They also used some special effects for when you see the executioner nailing the nail into Jesus' hand. I did notice that the nail was placed incorrectly, but oh well.
All in all, the Passion is one of my favorite movies and I have seen it more then once. I watch it because it reminds me of what Christ did and the depth of it.

1 comment:

  1. You would think that it would be impossible to act in this movie and not be impacted for what Christ has done for us. However, I'm sure that not everyone was touched by it.
