Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pilgrim Way

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling on my way
Going on the road before me each and every day

I am going towards the City
I will go through the River's foam
And reach the shore of my heavenly home

Even though the way is hard
I travel on in faith
I will travel on until I am safe

I know the way will be tough
But my King will lead me on
Into that heavenly dawn

I have met many trials
Those who tried to turn me away
To keep my mind off that day

I always remembered His promise
I turned my back on evil
I stayed away from upheaval

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling day after day
Just going along the Pilgrim's way

1 comment:

  1. This is nice. You have a good sense of rhythm and rhyme.
