Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Wonderings of a Disciple

It had been a long couple of days. The we could hardly believe what had just happened. Our beloved master and friend, Jesus, has been put on trial and crucified. John himself had been there when Jesus died and when they brought his body down from the cross. What about all the glorious things He'd promised us that would happen. What about his claim that he would rise form the dead? Had it all been in vain?
As these thoughts were racing through the disciples' minds, Jesus suddenly appeared and stood before them. All of is were terrified and thought that he was a ghost. Jesus showed us where the nail pierced his hands and were the spear went into his side. When some of us still were in doubt he ate a piece of fish in our presence and then we believed. We fell at his feet and I felt like my heart would burst with happiness. He was alive!!! My Savior lives, and so shall I! Death is defeated.
Jesus stayed with us longer and told us to go into the world and teach in his name,  baptizing those who believed. He also promised that he would be with us always, even to the very end of the age. He also instructed that we wait in Jerusalem until he sent us the Holy Spririt.
After Jesus said this, He was taken up into heaven and we just stood there, staring up into heaven. The two men clothed in white stood before us and said that He would return in the same way he had left us.  What a promise. He will return someday! We may not know the day or hour, but He SHALL return.
                        ~ James son of Alphaeus

He Is Risen!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to try to imagine what the disciples were thinking and feeling during this time. Good reflection from James.
