Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Farm Show Rodeo

Last Saturday was the final day of the farm show and I got to go to the Rodeo with my friend Gabby Kiefman and her mom and dad. It was so so fun! When we got there we explored some of the stands that were still open. Since it was the last day of the show, some people were packing things up. We saw the butter sculpture and it was a Country Fair theme. Whenever I look at the butter sculpture, it makes my guts queasy. The rodeo was AMAZING and I had a blast. My favorite even was bull-riding, which I had seen on the television before, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some of the other events were calf roping, calf wrestling, barrel riding, and bucking bronchos. I will always remember the rodeo.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you to see the rodeo! That is an entertaining event and like you said, can keep you on the edge of your seat. We'e fortunate to have the Farm Show so close to us. Glad you got to take it in.
