Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pounding Heart

My Heart is pounding in my chest
The nightmare is still fresh in my head
I lift up a humble prayer

Sweat breaks out on my brow
The Silence seems to echo 
My blankets don't hide me from it

I take a deep shaky breath
I know that God has me in his hand
I need not fear what is in my mind

The Nightmare resurfaces again
It gnaws at my soul and mind
I just want to sleep in peace

Come, Morning, quick!
Take away the dark of nightmares
Shine light through my blinds

I long to hear the birds sing
Not the nightmare's howl

1 comment:

  1. You use good images to create the sense of fear - "silence seems to echo", "gnaws at my soul and mind". I like the line "shine light through my blinds". Your ending stanza is a good way to end with a comparison. Good job!
