Monday, April 16, 2012

French Fries

When I eat french fries, it makes me think of good, fun, lovely times. Like when I've gone to the Greenvillage Diner with my mentor or with my dad. Greenvillage Diner has the best fries in the world, next to Wendy's. If I had a choice though, I would defiantly pick the diner fries in a split second. When I eat french fries I also think about getting them after a long Dinner theater practice during which I had no dinner. My dad stopped on the way home and got me McDonald's food. When you go to Greenvillage Diner, they give you what seems like a small mountain of fries.
I have to say, french fries are one of my favorite foods. No doubt about it.

1 comment:

  1. The picture makes me hungry for some good fries. There are a lot of places that make fries, but you have to find the best places. Sounds like you've found one!
