Thursday, May 10, 2012


I just watched Braveheart with my mom this week. I had been wanting to see it for awhile and on Monday I got it out from the library. The one reason i wanted to watch was that it's about William Wallace, the hero of Scotland. Mel Gibson, who directed the Passion of the Christ, stars as Wallace and he did a good job. Basically, I was interested in the historical side of it. William Wallace is a very historical figure in Scotland. He is the subject of the movie Braveheart. After many great victories against the English, he was arrested and executed (hung, drawn and quartered and then beheaded). Today he is viewed as a hero to the Scottish people and a monument was erected to him. 
the one thing i didn't like about it was all the fighting in the movie and the execution scene wasn't gory but it still wasn't fun. Wallace was willing to die for freedom that the Scots wanted and that is very brave.

Mel Gibson as William Wallace

1 comment:

  1. I've seen bits and pieces of this movie, but not from beginning to end. Is it historically accurate? Mel Gibson is a good actor.
