Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Soldier Down the Road

A father comes to the bus stop to get his little girl who was in kindergarten. His shaved head and muscular body shows that he is a soldier who is in the military. Shaun has three daughters and is married to a beautiful wife who he met at their school's banquet. He grew up on a farm in a family of ten children of whom he was the youngest.  He wanted to do something brave and heroic and decided to join the army as soon as he got out of high school. When he got to boot camp, Shaun realized that it was not more then just doing something great or living a dream...he realized it was more important and a whole lot harder then he imagined. Whenever someone looked at him, he would seem older then his thirty-five years due to the war he had fought in when he was younger.
That day as he was getting five year old Colleen from the bus, he knew that he wouldn't be getting her from the bus for a whole year. His sergeant had called that day and told him that he would be deployed to Afghanistan in a few weeks. He had been on two deployments already and even though he was sad about leaving his family, he still managed to have a smile on when Colleen stumbled off the bus into his arms.

1 comment:

  1. Touching description. You've put some life into someone you don't know. Good imagination! He's real!
