Thursday, May 31, 2012

The End of the Year

When I look back over this school year, I have a lot of memories. There were good ones and bad ones too. One of the most memorable would have to be dinner theater. It was so much fun getting to do a bigger part and the story was a wonderful one. I don't miss the hair gel though...
It was also fun getting to make new friends such as Zhiyi and Valissa. A friend of mine encouraged me before school even started to be intentional to get to know people, and i feel like I was and did get to know more people this year. I always struggled with being shy, but I felt like I was less shy this year.
I had fun at Hershey Park last Friday and it is definitely one of the good memories.
It will be sad to have to say goodbye to my friends that are seniors, but I know they are looking forward to what the future has to bring. 
I am curious as to what next year will bring for me and the rest of the student body.

Reflections on writing

As I look back over my writing, I can see a change. I remember looking back at my stories I wrote for fourth grade english and there is definately a difference. I also remember writing a story for my cousin based on a game he made up and I think I have learned how to write more efficiently and with better grammer. I also think I have imporved with my poetry. It was neat to learn about different types of poetry such as the triolets (they were my favorite). 
I have to say, I think creative writing is very beneficial and it has helped me know better ways to write and gather my thoughts before writing. I enjoyed the different writing activities when you were just given some words and then had to write something with them. 
It was a good year. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pre-thoughts to watching The Woman in Black

So...I've decided to watch the Woman in Black. Yes, this may be a bad idea and there is a strong possibility that I will get nightmares. I do think that it is fun to scare yourself which is why I want to watch it.
My friends Abigail and Bekah saw it and said that it was good and scary.  I plan on starting it this evening and then re-watching it on the way to my cousin's wedding on Saturday.
I do not believe in ghosts, but there are some that do. I do believe that there is a spiritual world, which the Bible hints at. 
I do know some of the things that happen, thanks to my friends, and I did watch the beginning and ending scenes. The fact that the Woman in Black, the ghost of the story, targets children is just creepy. Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movies, plays the main character Arthur Kipps. From what I saw, he does  an excellent job and I am excited to see how he acts throughout the rest of the film.
So, yeah. Scary movie here I come....

The Woman In Black movie cover

Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps

Notice the creepy thing to the right of Dan

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A place that has changed for me is my old school. I went back a few times, and it just felt different. I had attended there from Kindergarten to the middle of sixth grade. That place holds many memories for me. From playing on the play ground after school every day with my friend Brandon Orner to the many field trip and programs i was require to participate it. I also found that my class mates seemed different too. They seemed distant if that is correct term to use. I will always remember the times I spent there, but I am very glad to be where I am now. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

End of the Spear Movie Review

In Church History, we just watched the movie End of the Spear which is about Nate Saint and the other missionaries who were killed on Palm Beach while trying to reach the Auca (now called Waodoni) people.
There are some disappointing things about the movie first off. One, Chad Allen [who played both Steve and Nate], the actor who plays Nate/Steve Saint(adult) is openly gay . Many Christians spoke out about this but the real Steve Saint, Nate's son who was involved with the making of the movie, said that Chad had the best audition and in the end that no one else could have portrayed his father better. I have to agree that Chad did very well with the role.
Second, at the end of the movie we see Steve at the site of the attack with Mincaye, the one who speared his father. Mincaye says to Steve to kill him and Steve nearly does. This never happened in real life and they just added it in. 
The movie focus a lot on Mincaye and his people. The actors speak Waodani and it is very cool to hear those that portray the Woadani Indians actually speaking the language.
Another negative element that is to be expected is the natives and their way of dress. There is also the attack scene which is violent due to the spearings of the 5 missionaries. 
I have seen the movie twice before we watched it in church history and I do like the movie a lot. The story of the bravery of the missionaries is inspiring. The one quote that stood out to me was when little Steve saint asks his dad, Nate, if they will use their guns if the Waodani attack. Nate says no and "We cannot shoot the Waodani because they aren't ready for heaven. We are ready for heaven." 

End of the Spear movie cover 

Chad Allen as Nate Saint 
Chad Allen as Steve Saint

Mincaye attacks Nate Saint (Chad Allen) in the movie

The Real Nate Saint

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Camp Susque Retreat 2012

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Hazelton Retreat that I went to last year. It is a Reformed Baptist retreat for Sr. High and it is such a fun time.The fellowship is truly wonderful.  Our speaker this year was Jeremy Mendenhall and he spoke the matters of God's kingdom. I learned a lot and it was such a blessing to hear him speak from God's word. Interestingly enough, Pastor Mendenhall and his wife were at my baptism and he knows my father.
One of my favorite things at the retreat was the night game. It was called underground church and we had to find the underground/secret church and not get caught by the counselors who were the police. Did i mention the game is played in complete darkness the counselors have flashlights and are trying to catch us. Once you got to the church you got a bible and had to wait for 14 people to get there so that you could go out and give one to the counselors. All in all it was fun game. I wore black shirts and hat so as not to get caught. I manged  to skid on stones and scrap my side and elbows. It was great.
It was definately sad for me to leave but and I am super stoked about next year.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There Will Be a Day by Jeremy Camp


I try to hold on to this world with everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that tries to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth
That we will enter in this rest with wonders anew

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

I know the journey seems so long
You feel you?re walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you?ve walked out all alone

Troubled soul don?t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that?s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life?s sting

But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
[From: ]
That there will be a place with no more suffering

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

I can?t wait until that day where the very one
I?ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I?ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery
O, this is why, this is why I sing

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face

There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place
Will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face

There will be a day he will wipe away the tears
He will wipe away the tears
He will wipe away the tears
There will be a day

This song has such a great message and had
been a comfort to me when I have listened to it. 
It speaks of a day when we will no longer hurt, 
there, will be no more tears or sin. It is heaven. 
God will wipe the tears from our eye and we will 
be with him forever! I can't wait until that day comes.
Praise be to God!