Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Storm

The sea breeze is blowing
As the waves toss and roll
The storm clouds are swelling

The sky quickly darkens
As the thunder begins to rumble
To me! To me! The storm beckons...

Lightning cracks above my head
And the wind picks up
To me! To me! The storms has said.

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
This is one of my favorite hymns. The lyrics are such
a comfort. The guy that wrote this died shortly after
completeting it. The last verse is one of joy and hope.

This version is by the group Indelible Grace.

Come by the hills by Celtic Thunder

 Buachaill ón Eirne mé's bhréagfainn féin cailín deas óg 
 Né iarfainn bó spré léithe tá mé saibhir go leor
 'S liom Corcaigh a mhéid e , dhá thaobh a ghleanna's Tír Eoghain 
'S mur n-athraí mé béasaí 's mé n' t-oibhr ar Chontae Mhaigh Eo

Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free.  
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the loughs meet the sea,  
 Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun; 
 And the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
Come by the hills to the land where life is a song.  

And stand where the birds fill the air with their joy all day long, 
Where the trees sway in time and even the wind sings in tune; 
And, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
Come by the hills to the land where legend remains.  

The stories of old, fill the heart and may yet come again,  
Where the past has been lost and the future is still to be won;
And, the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.

This is a song that Celtic Thunder sings. I really like the lyrics and 
how it talks about Ireland and not worrying about tomorrow.
The first verse is in Irish!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So long, Dinner Theater

Dinner Theater has come to an end. I'd say it's kind of a bittersweet thing. I'm kind of glad its over, but I will miss the atmosphere that surrounds dinner theater. It was a tiring, taxing, and exhausting week, but it was totally worth it in the end. I have new memories to look back and lessons learned.
Some things that happened did not meet up to my expectations, but I won't go in depth on those things.
I really enjoyed the part I played and Archibald Craven was my favorite role I have ever done. It was the first big role I'd ever be put in and it was an honor. I did my best because I was doing it for God and His glory.
I am looking forward to next year and watch it holds for our drama troupe.

Hot Rollers for birdwatchers

Birdwatchers, the reason you should buy these hot rollers is that they will help you attract birds. All you have to do is put them in your hair before you go early morning bird watching. Then stand out in the open, now that your hair looks slightly like a nest, and wait for the birds to land in it. Though we do not suggest doing this when there is a huge flock of birds...we've had poor results. If you choose to get the hot rolls, you will not be disappointed.

A Simple Flower

A simple flower grows
As we sleep the night away
Quiet in our slumber we lay
A simple flower grows 
In the sunlight it glows 
I know not what to say 
A simple flower grows 
As we sleep the night away


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Behold Him!

There is a day that is yet to come
When all evil will be undone

It is the day of Jesus' second coming
The day for which I am yearning

The day Christ will take believers home
The soul and the bone

We shall behold him
Life will no longer be dark and dim

All shall bow down to Jesus the King
The trumpet call shall loudly ring

Christians will meet Him in the air
All of them who are everywhere

We shall behold him then
When this world comes to an end

Son, Go Get My Children!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Two more Triolets

A Rose                                                   
A lovely rose is growing
In a shaft of pale light
Without a soul knowing
A lovely rose is growing
Delicate petals are forming
In the coolness of the night
A lovely rose is growing
In a shaft of pale light

Gaze at the Sea
I gaze at the Sea
With intense longing
That you be here with me
I gaze at the Sea
Wondering where you could be
As the breeze is blowing
I gaze at the Sea
With intense longing

The Phantom of the Opera(stage production) Review

One of my favorite musicals has to be the phantom of the opera. I just watched it on Saturday evening on the PBS station. It was the 25th anniversary concert of the show! It was very enjoyable, but I did discover that opera can be obnoxious sometimes depending on the singer. The Phantom was played by Ramin Karimloo who also starred in Les Miserables. He is an excellent singer.
I had never seen a stage production of the Phantom of the opera and had only seen the movie which I'd done a previous blog about. There are definitely some differences between and movie and a stage production. The actors/performers got into character and did a fantastic job. Ramin (the Phantom) did an excellent job portraying the emotions the Phantom would have felt (anger with Raoul, desperation, loneliness, and of course...suspense).
I still have to say that I think I like the movie more.

Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom of the Opera

Triolet Poem(assigned)

My Homeland
I long to see my homeland
For I have been gone too long
On green hills I want to stand
In lovely green Ireland
For I long to see my homeland
To be away seems oh so wrong
I long to see my homeland
For I have been gone too long

The Irish countryside

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Poor Charles Dickens
Had very slim pickins
He wrote and he wrote
and yet had no money for a coat

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring is Soon to Come

The rain drops drip
Lazily down my window
Having no where else to go

The clouds are dark and gloomy
Yet it doesn't dampen my mood
Or give me an cloudy attitude

I love to see the rain fall
And plants begin to grow
Each flower a color of the rainbow

For Spring is soon to come
And things will start anew
As fresh as the morning dew

Yorkshire, England in Spring

Intensity on the brain....

With Dinner Theater fast approaching, there is also the workload. I try to work ahead on homework the week before so that when I'm doing a show, I don't have to be thinking, "Oh, I have to do that tonight..." Normally during the beginning of the week of our shows, we pull some long hours. But they are fun and I enjoy finally getting to be on the stage and doing the backstage work. Tonight I worked  really hard and got a lot of stuff done that's due next week.
It may be intense now, but I would rather have it off my back then have it hanging over my head during the shows. It will pay off in the just gets overwhelming at the moment.
The shows are next week and I am so excited. We've put a lot into this show and I am super excited to see it all coming together slowly but surely. I really feel like this is going to be a great show. I hope it will be.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The Sun rises over an island
Shining light on the crashing waves
I would much rather be there then on land
Surfing is how I spend my days

The rush of riding the sea
As I turn my board up and down
Riding the waves is where I'll be
You won't find me in town

And then the day will end
And I set my board aside for a day
But tomorrow, new waves will descend
Surfing in my life,what more is there to say?


Girl in the storm

Yes, I am all wet. Hence the puddle gathering around my feet. I got drenched in the storm that is raging outside our manor house. I live here in Yorkshire, England with my papa, momma and three older brothers. It rains quite frequently and I happened to get caught in it tonight. I was looking of the window of the library and thought I saw a little girl standing out in the rain. She looked to be five or six years old and was wearing a white party dress from 1919. I thought it odd that a little girl was out in the rain alone, so I decided to go and investigate. After pulling on my boots, hat and coat, I ventured out. I saw the girl standing a ways off and called, "Hello?" She turned and made her way off into the night as the thunder clashed overhead and the lightning flashed. The darkness swallowed her up and it appeared as though she had...vanished. Then I heard my oldest brother, Anton, call out to me, "Rosie, what in the blazes are you doing out there?"
I ran back inside and told him, "I saw a wee girl out there!"
"Oh sure you did," he said skeptically, taking my hat and coat from me. "Forget it, Rosie."
So that is how I got drenched in the storm.
And no one believes me.
But as I climbed the grand staircase, I know I saw her again, a gleam of white against  the darkness. 

Highclere Castle in Yorkshire, England

Dreams of Light

What a day its been
What a time I've had
Now I want to sleep in a nightmare free zone

Nightmares flee away
Dreams of light come on it
Nightmare stay away dreams of light are here to stay

The Stars are shining
The moon shows it face
Now I can sleep in dreams of light

As I close my eyes
My Dreams fill with light
Now I can sleep in a nightmare free land

(These are lyrics to one of the songs I wrote on my guitar)