Thursday, December 8, 2011

Someone I'd like to correspond with

I think it would be really fun to correspond with C.S Lewis. He wrote the Narnia books which are some of my favorite books. He was a Christian too. I would ask him all about how he came up with all the Narnian characters and places. I would ask him all about living in Oxford University, England.
I would want to write to him because I love his books and he has such a wise mind. He wrote many good books and you can find good advise in them.
I got to do a report on him in eight grade and loved learning about him and all he wrote about. I think it would be fun to write to him because is one of my favorite authors too. Some of his books are The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters. So the person i would want to correspond with is Mr. C.S Lewis.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. C.S. Lewis would be a great person to correspond with. His writings are phenomenal. He was a wise man and it would be great to have that personal contact to find out his suggestions for life.
