Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Tricycle

The is the story of a tricycle that was abandoned in the autumn breeze. A little boy had been riding it when he suddenly became hungry for candy corn and left his beloved tricycle out in the cold autumn weather. He was compleltey unaware of this, seeing that it was too advanced for his young mind and candy corn was not.
You may be wondering what came of this abandoned tricycle. A very strong wind suddenly came, blowing it down the hill and into the fast moving creek. It was swept away and the little boy never saw it again for a very long time.
He had returned to his parents house after college with his fiance and was taking a walk with her by the creek. As they walked, the young man saw something caught in the branches of a fallen tree by the creek's edge. He walked over and pulled it out. "What is it?" his fiance asked.
"I do believe that it is my old tricycle," he replied, setting it on the ground. "I lost it when I was four years old!"
He and his fiance made their way back to the house and in his hand was the tricycle he had lost those many years ago.
The End. 

Of Fog Machines and Backstage

One of my favorite things about Dinner Theater thus far has been working backstage and behind the scenes. Last year when we did Ruby Red (a Wizard of Oz spoof) I got help with the fog machines and learn all about how to run them and set them up. I got to work with an Alumni from Shalom, Chris Berkey. There were four fog machines we used and had to mess around with different ideas to get them set up just right for the scene they had to be used in. You may think that one person could run the fog machines, but with what we were doing, we needed to people since sometimes there had to be two machines running at the same time that were at opposite ends of the stage from each other. Doing fog was really fun and I really enjoyed working with Chris. One of the other cool things about working backstage is getting to use the radio walkie talkies that you wear and earbud in your ear and the part where you speak clips onto your shirt. We use them so the whole crew can communicate to each other and know what to do. Although it does hurt your ear from where the ear bud in it all day.
I have really enjoyed working backstage and am looking forward to in the future again.

                                Test running the machines (sorry for the bad picture quality)

Thanksgiving Memories

I do have some fond Thanksgiving Memories from the past. One of them was when we went to my uncle's big house is Philadelphia. Some of my older cousins would play hide and seek with us younger cousins and it was always loads of fun. My uncle's house has plenty of places to hide in which always made the game interesting. Sometimes it took a good while to find everybody. I learned you had to stick to the boundaries Allen set or else he'd make you count next. I did leave the boundries once and hid in the ground level bathroom. Eventually I came out of hiding only to be caught by Allen. STICK TO THE BOUNDARIES!
These past few years we have been going to my cousin Laura's house because it's closer. Laura and I like to play music together and hangout before dinner. We eat a later dinner because my Uncle Russ is a doctor and has to work. This year we won't be eating until 7pm!!!!
I am so thankful for my family and the memories I have from Thanksgiving days gone by.

                                                        My cousin Laura and I.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Ride Home

The week at my uncle's beach house had come to a close. It had been a fun filled week and I think I was ready to go home to my own bed. I must confess that I HATE long car rides and here are a few reasons why: my seat belt always seems to constrict my waist, my dad cranks the air-conditioning up really high and I get bored. This year we had a solution to help time pass quickly: a portable DVD player. We borrowed it from some close friends of ours along with some movies. I decided that on the way home I would watch the fourth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. On the way down I had watched one of my favorite ones: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Watching movies in the car did help time go by quickly. Much to my annoyance I feel asleep and woke up in the middle of the movie and missed the first part. Oh well. We got to go over this really cool bridge that was very long. You could say that was one of the highlights of the entire four hour car ride. Another highlight for me was going past Sight and Sound Theaters in Lancaster. It was nice to finally be home.


Be it God's Will

I think it can be quite hard when you lose a loved one. In my case, I am not talking about someone dying. I mean losing them spiritually. I had a really good friend who seemed to be on fire for God. Then one day he stopped believing in God and he was an atheist for a while.  I don't understand what cause him to change. He stopped coming to church and maybe he even had stopped reading his Bible. My dad said that he was even excommunicated from his church. I pray for my friend everday and I know that if he really was a Christian before, he will come back to God. Josh used to call me his little sister and we used to exchange stories and poems. Josh even lent me his books the Kingdom Series two time. He used to come visit our church a lot too. I remember that Josh loved to study God's word and I would say he taught me somethings from what he read. Through all of this I have learned something I think is valuable and important. God will bring people into your life for a time and when you have learned all he wants you to learn from them , he may take them out of your life it that is his will.

     Goodbye, Josh. Thank you for all the fun times talking on Facebook and seeing you at church. You are forever in my prayers.

The Hair Ribbon

  "How strange,"Angus thought to himself out loud. "Emma's left her hair ribbon out in the pasture. She must have dropped it."
  Angus went to fetch it and as he walked, he could hear the laughter of a small child as he grew closer. He thought he must be hearing things, but he was only seventeen and it was too early for him to be going deaf. It wasn't Emma, but he didn't see anyone else around. As Angus bent down to pick up the ribbon, he noticed a small girl watching him from a few feet away. She had a dirty dress on and Angus thought she might be one of the travelers that went around their farm (which was located in Cork, Ireland). The little girl seemed to have a strange glow about her and almost looked transparent. "Hello there," he said.
  The little girl grinned.
  "What's your name?" Angus asked, picking up the hair ribbon.
  "Sara," she replied.
  "What are you doing in our pasture?" Angus asked her.
  Sara just grinned again and vanished into thin air. Angus gasped and ran for his life towards the farmhouse.   "What's wrong?" Emma asked him as she walked up to him. "Oh! There's my other hair ribbon!"
   He handed her the pale blue ribbon and replied, " I do think it is quite possible that I have seen and talked with a ghost."
   Emma just laughed, "You're older then me by six years and you believe you saw a ghost?"
  Angus nodded and said, "Yes I did see one. It was a little girl in a dirty dress. She looked like one of the gypsies that come to our farm to camp."
  "You're seeing things, Angus," she said before skipping away.
   Angus knew what he and seen and would never forget it. He looked back at the pasture one last time and saw the little girl again, picking daisies among the tall grass.
                                                                           The End