Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the Garden

I long to see you again
It seems so long
Where have you been

I wish you were here with me
To see the flowers bloom
In the Garden is where we should be

I learned to smile when I met you
You made me laugh with joy
Now what am I to do?

Return to me soon
My dear sweet darling
I will look for you at noon

I will wait as long as I must
But we only shall meet in eternity
For all men return to dust

                          ~ Archibald Craven  to Lilias his deceased wife

It's Almost Here!

Dinner Theater is soon approaching! We have about 3 or so weeks until showtime. This when things get stressed and intense. The main thing for me is getting work done ahead for when we have all day practices during the week of the shows.
In the show I play Archibald Craven who is the father of Colin Craven. My character locked up the garden years ago after his beloved wife, Lilias Craven, died falling off a swing. Archibald has been languishing for years and not just cause his wife died, he also has a hunchback. I am really excited about this part and even though I am in three scenes, I can still work backstage!
Overall, I think things will come together as it gets closer. So, come on out and see it! It's a story of love, family, and coming alive from grief. It is...The Secret Garden.


The Cat from Sat
I once met a cat from 
the land of Sat
Every day he
Chose a new hat
But whenever he
owner wanted to sell
That c at who was from
the land of Sat

The Man from Rome
I once met a man from
Everyday he
looked for a new home
But where ever he went
he always seemed bent
That man who was from

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Piper

Have you ever listened to the bagpipes play?
Echoing over the hills
At the start of a new day

To hear the notes dip and trill
As the pipe plays his song
It gives my soul a thrill

Oh, melodies capture my heart
The music stirs in my mind
Yet with my homeland I will never part

So piper play your tune
Make it echo and ring
I will see you at high noon

Anthony Byrne from Celtic Woman

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Oh, magjestic green hills
I long to walk across you once more
And hear the bagpipe music forever more

The call of my homeland echos
Biding me to come back
And quickness I dont lack

To see the sea again!
Pounding against the sandy shore
I will dwell there forever more!

My life in metaphorical terms

My life is like...

1. finding an extra french fry in the bottom of the Wendy's bag

2. A story

3. A snuggly kitten when i feel safe

4. The rolling green hills of Ireland

5. the resounding sound of bagpipes when i wish to be heard

Dreams of Light

What a day its been
What a time I've had
Now I want to sleep in a nightmare free zone

Nightmares flee away
Dreams of light come on it
Nightmare stay away dreams of light are here to stay

The Stars are shining
The moon shows it face
Now I can sleep in dreams of light

As I close my eyes
My Dreams fill with light
Now I can sleep in a nightmare free land

(These are lyrics to one of the songs I wrote on my guitar)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brother and Sister

The young mortician knelt in the flower bed outside the funeral home where he worked, planting flowers in the empty space. 25 year old Shaun had just gotten his degree and was starting his new job at his uncle's funeral home.
As he was working, a care dove by that made his jaw drop. It was what his father would describe as a muscle car and Shaun had to agree with his dad. He placed his shovel on the ground and walked over to the curb where the car had stopped. "Hello?" Shaun said. "Can I help you?"
The car window rolled down and he yelped in frustration. "Hey, Shaun!" his little sister, whose name was Bella, said.
"Bella?" Shaun gasped.
"The car's Dad's," Bella said."He asked me to return your wallet."
He took the wallet from his sister's hand. It had been almost a whole two years since he had seen her. "Thanks, Bella," Shaun said. "Why don't you come help me plant some flowers."
Bella turned off the car and said, "Alright."
So brother and sister knelt side by side in the dirt, planting flowers and finally getting to talk together once more.

Goodbye Buffy

It had come. Buffy the cocker spaniel had to go. It wasn't that my family didn't love him and he was a great dog. The reason he had to go was because our family's moving because my dad's in the Army. He's being stationed in England and they thought it best if Buffy stayed here. I don't see why we couldn't have taken him to England with us. My older brother, Tom, agrees that Buffy should come with us. Mom's writing up an AD for the paper right now and they're only selling him for $25!!!! My dog is PRICELESS!
Well, I guess there's nothing else I can do. Buffy, thanks for being such a wonderful dog.


The darkness of misery was my cloak
It was such a heavy thing

I huddled beneath it
Letting my sorrow weigh me down

The light seemed far off
The moonless night seemed strong

I needed an escape
And God granted me aid

He gave me the strength I needed
He flooded me with happiness