Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rapunzo by the creative writing class

Once upon a time, Rapunzo lived in a towere off the coast of Spain. His step-dad kept Rapunzo in the tower because he thoght his son was a freak.
You see, Rapunzo had super long hair.
100 yards worth of hair.
One day a young maiden, who admired Rapunzo's long hair, decided she wanted his hair because she had no hair. Her plan was to kidnap Rapunzo and shave his head after she knocked him out. It was perfect and she sent him a message.
Rapunzo agreed . "Take me away from my evil stepfather and as payment you can have my hair."
She came on a dark and cloudless night, carrying a candle. As Rapunzo let down his hair, it was caught in the flame of the candle. Because of how greasy the hair was, it incinerated and the only happy person was the stepfather because his son had no hair.

The End

In the Box

Within the box, lies the secret the world has longed to know. Does it hold treasure? No. In fact it is some more valuable then treasure.
Yes, in the box sleeps the magical kitten name Socks. He has been in there controlling the mass production of cat treats. Many have tried in vain to stop him, only to fail again and again. Whenever someone opens the box to look in, Socks turns to them with a face who could melt the hardest of hearts.
The kitten will not abandon the box and whenever someone tries to get him out of it, he gnaws on their hand. I am the guardian and the secret must never be revealed...ever...

Locked Out

One time I got locked out of my house when no one else was at home. I closed our door and forgot that it was locked behind me. I went to get back in and I discovered that I was locked out. I didn't really know what to do because I couldnt find the key. Later I found out that my sister had buried it for some weird reason. Thankfully our neighbors, I was friends with their daughters, we home and I went down to them and got to hang out with Alley and Ashlynn. We made bracelets. Then my mom came home and I was able to get into the house.
Another time, I purposely locked my own bedroom door when we had an open house because I didn't want kids getting into my room. I regret that now. I guess I just didn't want them in there.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I still don't understand
Why you changed so much

You were my hero
I looked up to you

Then that summer
I heard the news

I struggled with it
I did not understand why

God knows your heart
He knows your thoughts

He knows in the end
If  you'll return to Him

My Dad

He gets up to preach 
Each and every Sunday 
Through the strength of God 

Outside the pulpit
He loves to fish 
My dad is loving and caring

He has a heart for God 
And strives to live for Him
Day after Day 

I love my dad 
I look up to him
He is my hero

The Farm Show Rodeo

Last Saturday was the final day of the farm show and I got to go to the Rodeo with my friend Gabby Kiefman and her mom and dad. It was so so fun! When we got there we explored some of the stands that were still open. Since it was the last day of the show, some people were packing things up. We saw the butter sculpture and it was a Country Fair theme. Whenever I look at the butter sculpture, it makes my guts queasy. The rodeo was AMAZING and I had a blast. My favorite even was bull-riding, which I had seen on the television before, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Some of the other events were calf roping, calf wrestling, barrel riding, and bucking bronchos. I will always remember the rodeo.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heavenly Home

There is a place where Christians go
It is a place of which we know

There is where our King sits in His glory
This is no child's story

There none shall shed a tear
Jesus will always be near

There are streets made of gold
Just as we have been told

We will enter through pearly gates
Where the King of Glory waits

There will be no more earthly night
For God is the source of light

We will dwell with him there forever
And we will never be along...ever

Jesus will be with with us night and day
He will never go away

What place am I speak of?
Where God dwells above?

I am speaking of no place other then heaven.

Pilgrim Way

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling on my way
Going on the road before me each and every day

I am going towards the City
I will go through the River's foam
And reach the shore of my heavenly home

Even though the way is hard
I travel on in faith
I will travel on until I am safe

I know the way will be tough
But my King will lead me on
Into that heavenly dawn

I have met many trials
Those who tried to turn me away
To keep my mind off that day

I always remembered His promise
I turned my back on evil
I stayed away from upheaval

I am just a weary Pilgrim
Traveling day after day
Just going along the Pilgrim's way

Pounding Heart

My Heart is pounding in my chest
The nightmare is still fresh in my head
I lift up a humble prayer

Sweat breaks out on my brow
The Silence seems to echo 
My blankets don't hide me from it

I take a deep shaky breath
I know that God has me in his hand
I need not fear what is in my mind

The Nightmare resurfaces again
It gnaws at my soul and mind
I just want to sleep in peace

Come, Morning, quick!
Take away the dark of nightmares
Shine light through my blinds

I long to hear the birds sing
Not the nightmare's howl

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What We Learn

What I have learned

1. Though others may leave me...God is always with me

2. If God sees fit, he will bring people into our lives for a time so we can learn what he wants us to from them  and if he sees fit, he may take them out of our lives

3. Exceeding 2 cans of Mountain Dew will definitely keep you up.

4. Faith strengthens through trials

5. Younger siblings act like their older only cause their taller

What other people have learned 

1. God is trustworthy 

2. When you get to travel to other countries can be enriching and it makes a difference in your whole life

3. I liked school a lot more then I thought at first

4. Relationships with people are one of the most important things in our lives

5.  That daily reliance upon him is a must. That knowing God, goes beyond thinking there's a higher power,  but a personal God who wants a relationship with me. I've learned that I can't just go to God when I need him, but I must spend time with Him daily, to grow and to walk and be used by Him.

Kids Club

I have the opportunity to work with our elementary youth group at church. I am one of the leaders and serve under Miss Deb Jones. It so heart lifting to go in and see the kids and their enthusiasm for the lesson, the games and the time spent together. The group meets on the first Friday of every month and we are studying the parables of Jesus with them.
As a leader my responsibility is to choose the songs we sing and make a review game from the past lessons we've had. Deb leads the lesson and Bethany Clark does the games.
I must admit the first time my dad asked me to help out, I really didn't want to do it. After I did go, I realized how much I loved working with the kids and just being with them. They are a great group and it is exciting to see them grow.
This year, we have the kids writing to some orphans in the Philippians and for Christmas, we put together little goodie bags with our kids to send to them. It's grand to see the excitement the kids had when putting these bags together.

I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to be a leader for Kids Club and make an impact in these kids' lives.  

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Over Christmas Break my momma and I went to see the newest Sherlock Holmes film at the Chambersburg Mall. We'd borrowed my friends' copy of the first on and we really enjoyed it. Sherlock is played by the actor Robert Downy Jr. and that actor is perfect for the role. He brings a lot of humor the role and you can't imagine any other actor who is more perfect for it. I love talking in a British accent and watching Sherlock Holmes makes me want to do it. While I was waiting for Momma to come out from the restroom, it began to snow...but not enough to lay...bummer.
Going to see movies is a fun thing that my mom and I do together. We always get a Pretzel to share from Pretzel Plus and I get a Cherry Slushie. Those pretzels are the best ever!! We then go window shopping and have fun smelling the lotion and soaps in Bath and Body Works. We'll got to Sears also and just look around at things.
I love my mommy and treasure the time I get to spend with her.