Friday, October 14, 2011

My epic new pajama pants.

This blog had to be about something you bought or someone bought for you. it goes. 
My mother just bought me new pajama pants. I needed new ones because the knees of my old plaid one got worn through from many times of playing with my precious cat. I am very particular about my pajama pants. First of all, as weird as it may be (forgive me), I in fact prefer boy pajama pants. Don't ask me why, but I do. They just seem more comfortable then girls' PJ pants because they don't get twisted around my legs when I sleep.
These pants are pretty cool looking in my opinion. They are bright green with some other green on it and say Mt.Dew all over them. I LOVE MOUNTAIN DEW. Once for my birthday my friend Margaret got me a 24 can pack of Mountain dew :).
I had looked around for pajama pants the other week and couldn't find any so my mom went for groceries and got me the Mountain Dew ones.
So tonight I will not sleep with holes in my knees and will sleep in warm Mountain Dew pants.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My dear friend Margaret

God has blessed me with many wonderful friends and one of them is my dear sister-in-Christ, Margaret Pasztor.
Margaret and I grew up going to Sunday school together when we were just young wee tikes. We didn't really become good friends until about the fourth grade. Our families used to always sit in the same row at Prayer Meeting and Margaret and I were always early to Sunday school and that is when we really got to know one another. She lives in Carlisle, which is where I used to live, and we still get to get together quite often.

Margaret is a beautiful girl who loves God with all her heart and it can be plainly seen in her life. She is a very talented artist, singer and piano player. She has very long blonde hair and blue eyes and very pale skin. She and I are very much like sisters and consider ourselves as sisters.
Margaret and I both like Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and many other things. One of the things we do when we hang out is color with colored pencils and watch a movie. We have enjoyed this while watching Jurassic Park and other films. We also enjoy paintball, water tubing (which we got to do together this past summer at Family Conference) and archery.
When ever we hang out we do some pretty cool stuff. One thing is walking downtown in Carlisle to the Library or various other locations. Sometimes we even pack a lunch and eat it on the library steps. I have fond memories of late night talks at sleepovers, Dorney Park, youth group and the list goeth on.
Margaret has a gentle spirit and a heart full of kindness and love for Christ which she willing shares with others.
I thank God for blessing me with a "sister" like Margaret and look forward to many good times (including paintball on the 22nd).

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


There is nothing more fun then paintball. First of all, they hand you a gun loaded with paintballs and then let you shoot people...what could be better. (I do have a non-violent side...just not when I am playing paintball). Paintball is one of the things I ended up being very good at. I had my first chance to go paint-balling this summer at Family Conference. Let me tell you, I WAS TERRIFIED. Okay, I was only terrified right after lunch but still.
We went to a course that was near the Conference center and got suited up. We actually ended up being given camouflage cover-ups which added padding and we also had to wear masks to protect our eyes. My team defended the fort first and I was stationed towards the front on the left side where I could fire at those who tried to come around the back. The round started and I used the technique of snap-shooting (when you peek out from the barrier hiding you, fire twice and then duck back down), which proved to be very helpful. I lasted the whole round and ended up being the last stander until I was hit in the neck. (We were playing elimination). The second round our team assaulted the fort and I hunkered down behind a barrel toward the back of the field and ended up being the last one left again. My team yelled for me to surrender and I did or else it would have been messy :). We had not planned on playing a third round but those who didn't want to play gave their paintballs to others who did and I ended up receiving quite a bit in addition to the ammo I still had left. It was back to the fort and I stationed myself at the front middle of the fort and returned to the tactic of snap-shooting. I shot some guy in the back and got him out. I once again was last but I had ran out of ammo before a fellow teammate was shot and swapped me guns so I could hold down the fort. It ended up being that I was in a corner and an enemy was waiting so that when I jumped out he could get me. I stuck my gun out and shot and then gave it my all and jumped out to meet him. We exchanged point bank fire and I was down. The round was over and I had survived all three rounds. I had not expected this and was quite shocked. Even though it was only paintball, I gave the glory of that victory to God.
A week from this Saturday, I will have another opportunity to go paintballing again in Dillsburg with my friends youth group and am very excited.
Paintball is awesome.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My attempt at evesdropping.

I was sitting with my mom while she did admissions for the soccer game tonight. Nothing interesting occurred and i apologize for the shortness of this blog.

"Hello, how are you?"
"Inst the weather nice? Better then what we have been having."
"Have a good time at the game!"

And guess you could also count this as eavesdropping:
Some lady said this to another: "Did you get volleyball pictures?" which the other lady said, "Yes."

And yet again:

" So is Lexy with her dad?" asked my mom
"Yeah," my sister replied.

In Memory of the Crocodile Hunter

When I was little I can remember watching the show The Crocodile Hunter. He was a hero of mine and really did so much to help animals. Many may remember Steve for his daring feeding of the crocodiles and wrestling with poison snakes, but I remember him for his love on animals.
Steve ran the Australia Zoo and family still does today. He loved feeding the crocs and most importantly teaching others about the beauty of animals. He taught people this through his TV show: The Crocodile Hunter.
Steve died on September 4th 2006 while filming his own documentary called Ocean's Deadliest. He was swimming with some stingrays and recived a fatal blow to the chest as a result from the barb on the end of the stingray's tale. He pulled it out his chest and some medical folk say that this may have hastened his death.
Steve was a hero of mine and when I heard he died I was very very sad. My sister came over to me and told me that he was dead and I thought he was joking, but when I saw it on the computer downstairs, I knew it was true. It was a sad day that day and world lost a man of courage and someone who cared about all creatures.
I think he's one of the people that I got my love of animals from. I would watch his show all the time at my grandmother's (we only got Animal Planet and my house until I was like 7) and really learned to care about animals...even crocs and snakes.

In loving memory.

Playing Guitar

  One of my hobbies is playing guitar. I took piano for six years and was very glad to move onto another instrument. It's not that I didn't enjoy piano, if fact I enjoy it still. I guess I just wanted to do something new and different. Guitar was not easy when I first started taking lessons for it and was definitely a challenge. I took lessons from Mrs. Dottie Klein for two to three years (I can't remember exactly). I then stopped and have just been playing on my own. I even have started writing my own music since last summer. I love writing and so to be able to combine that with my love of guitar playing makes it even better. I have written a variety of songs from ones in support of the military to Ireland and the sea.
I own a blue Indiana Guitar (that's the brand name) and it is a really nice acoustic electric guitar. Acoustic electric just means that it can be plugged into an amp, although I do not own an amp. I would really like to own a McPherson guitar some day since they are very nice guitars.
Keith Harkin of Celtic Thunder plays guitar really well and also composes his own music. I guess you can he's my inspiration to keep up with guitar and write songs. But God is the true inspiration in everything! I have written songs about Christ and His saving mercies.
I think guitar is something I don’t want to put down ever because I love to play and sing so much.

Keith Harkin